Below are some pictures from my trip. I know...there are sooo many, but I had the hardest time picking which ones to share with you all. Utah is just too colorful and gorgeous!!!
Starting off our first hike on the Emerald Pool Trails and continuing to the Kayenta Trail.
Top of the rock.
Hanging out over a waterfall...literally!
Different vantage points of the waterfall we were dangling over.
How cool is this tunnel that was carved right out of the mountain?!?!
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
It doesn't get much better than this little hidden gem.
Walking on water.
Eddie and I went back to the park alone the next day for a more intense hike on the Hidden Canyon Trail.
Midway through the steep incline of 1,000 feet in 1 mile.
Some sweet staircases.
Passing a pretty steep and narrow part of the trail.
Taking a break for lunch.
One of the first arches we came across on our trip.
If you continue hiking after the maintained trail ends, you'll come across this gorgeous little pool of water. It takes a lot of climbing and monkeying around to reach this, but it was so worth it.
Most girls get flowers or jewelry for Valentine's Day...I got these fancy hiking shoes! My man knows me too well. After taking them to Utah where everything is redder and better, my shoes are now red... :'(
I have no idea how we missed this gorgeous marbled sandstone, but we luckily spotted it on our way back.
Climbing through rocks and branches.
Apparently I still had enough energy to keep monkeying around once we got back down to the trail head.
My man looking all cute and stuff.
After driving through some beautiful snowfall, we passed by this sunny gorgeousness. Castle Valley.
We set up camp and then headed into Arches National Park for some exploring.
Taking a short walk to "The Windows" arches.
These arches are HUGE! We were able to spot them from our campsite a couple miles away.
We're gross and tired but "lemme take a selfie".
Some more beautiful views on our other hike to the Landscape Arch.
See how skinny the Landscape Arch is? Well that's because a huge chunk of it actually broke off and fell in 1991. It probably won't be around for much longer...
The Dewey Bridge..or what's left of it.
The Top of the World Trail Head.
Only a few minutes from the end of the trail and we break the drive shaft due to a faulty u-joint.
Entertained myself by making a snow woman while the men attempted to fix the Jeep.
Enjoyed a super late lunch by the Colorado River after a long day.
Back at camp facing "The Windows" arches. Unfortunately my phone's panoramic view can't zoom.
That's all folks!