Dress: Jen's Pirate Booty Durban Top worn as a dress (here)
Bird Cuff Bracelet: Torchlight "Thunderbird Cuff" (here)
Turquoise Cuff: Vanessa Mooney "Roxanne Cuff Bracelet" (here)
Turquoise Cuff: Vanessa Mooney "Roxanne Cuff Bracelet" (here)
Dainty Opal Ring: Vanessa Mooney "The Femme Fatale Ring" (here)
Midi Ring: Torchlight "Triangle Midi Ring" (here)
Bangle Bracelets: Vanessa Mooney "Fight the Power" Collection on sale (here and here)
Bodysuit: Nightcap Clothing Dreamcatcher Crochet Bodysuit (here)
Bodysuit: Nightcap Clothing Dreamcatcher Crochet Bodysuit (here)
Eddie and I are certainly guilty of not taking advantage of the beach enough over the past year or so because of our conflicting work schedules...but no work on the weekend means seizing the day and spending quality time together in the beautiful outdoors. I simply whipped up some caprese pasta salad, sliced up some watermelon for our picnic, and off we went to Point Mugu State Park for some fun in the sun.

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